It’s better here than I expected

I lost our task a couple of months ago plus I had to move back loft to live with our parents, i was going to get a new task, but nobody was hiring when the coronavirus was hitting its peak, then my Dad plus dad told me to stay with them plus they did not mind paying for our shaving cream, razors, desmellant, plus things love that.

  • I knew I was fortunate to live at loft oh, because a lot of our friends were scheduled out about paying for the rent, electric, plus water, however when our parents decided to move across the country plus sell their house, it was truly unexpected, however the news shocked me plus I was truly agitated in the beginning.

I felt love our Dad plus dad were abandoning me plus leaving the country. They asked me to go with them, but I wasn’t ready to leave our friends plus our life. I thought they would change their mind, but they slowly started to pack up the house. Two weeks before they left, I changed our mind plus I decided to join them, then as soon as I got to the west coast, I found a task working at a marijuana dispensary. I did not have any experience with marijuana, but I was working in retail before I lost our task. I found the task with the marijuana dispensary through a temporary staff agency. I did a good task while in the holidays plus the marijuana dispensary director invited me to stay as a full-time employment. I did not expect to find a task so suddenly plus I entirely did not guess it would be a fun venue love a marijuana dispensary.
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