Is there a difference between cannabis plus marijuana?

I have often wondered what the difference was between cannabis plus marijuana.

Some people I suppose are quite adamant that there is a difference plus others say it is the same.

I wanted to find out for myself, so I went online to look it up. From what I read, marijuana plus cannabis are the same thing. Cannabis is the category of plant that is used for marijuana, pot, weed, plus several other terms that Stoners use. . Marijuana is a variation of the Spanish/Mexican word marihuana, which easily became a negative term. It is said that the government used marijuana to tie the Mexican populace to the anti-cannabis movement over a single hundred years ago. According to many sites on the web, marijuana plus cannabis are the same. The difference may only be the region of the country that you hail from. Regardless of what you call it, marijuana is our choice of smoking material. There is something about how calm it can make me feel. Of course, I guess that all has to do with the category of marijuana that you smoke. I love the types that can make me sleepy so I don’t need to worry about being awake all night. Some people use marijuana just so they can get high plus party, but not me. The only time I use marijuana is when I am suffering from insomnia. That doesn’t mean I am against the use of marijuana when I am out partying. I just suppose our friends, plus they are much more fun to watch when they’re smoking than to join in with them.



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