Enjoying a better lifestyle thanks to cannabis

I particularly don’t want to be that woman who is consistently talking about how excellent it was back in the day.

  • For the most part, those people are lying anyway.

No matter when you grew up, all of us all had our own triumphs plus struggles. When I actually think back to my youth, I can recall the day I discovered marijuana. It was undoubtedly a great day because that was the first time I started seeing life in a completely new perspective. Using some wonderful indica, I was able to finally put down a great deal of stress that I carried with me all the time. And until I started using cannabis, I didn’t actually realize how tied up plus sad I actually was. I used various indica plus sativa strains throughout college plus grad school. It’s funny because I never actually overused marijuana. I had a great deal of studying to do but cannabis was a great way to let go at the end of the day or on a day off. I wish I had kept it up to be honest. However, when I moved into the corporate world, continuing my use of cannabis was basically not permitted. First, there was all the drug testing of that era. But mostly, my career path was packed with type A personalities plus I felt that I had to be like them to actually compete. It’s truly a shame because I suppose that led to losing the passion I once had for what I did for a living. But, I am finding that passion again thanks to medical marijuana. I’m using cannabis again plus am getting the needed balance back in my life.

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