Discovering marijuana products legally

My life has been pretty bland as far as big excitement goes.

From a very young age, it was drilled into me to follow the rules at all costs.

My parents were very strict and breaking rules was met with harsh punishment. I guess there could be worse things but, I ended up sort of stunted both emotionally and socially. That is where marijuana has made a huge difference for me. The older I got, the more detached I became from emotion. This cost me my marriage and much of my remaining relationships. My doctor actually suggested that I try medical marijuana to see if it would help. I was quite against this at first because, in my mind, any sort of cannabis was wrong. I understood that medical marijuana was legal and ethical now so, I decided to give it a go. I was very surprised by the outcome. Smoking cannabis was not something that I wanted to do. So the doctor suggested that I go to the marijuana dispensary and ask for edibles. I had no idea what he was talking about. Cannabis was always used by inhaling the smoke to get the THC. Or that is what I thought. When I went to the cannabis business place, they gave me the marijuana edibles. They also gave me links to where I could read more about cannabis. The edibles have really made a difference in my ability to lighten up and relax. I don’t think I ever remember feeling as good about my life. Since I have introduced cannabis edibles to my life, I have started to actually find a good balance.

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