Using a topical for my pain

I was a college cheerleader. I was what you called a flier or a top girl. When a mount was made, I was the girl lifted in the air. It was a fun time and I did well at competitions. However, mistakes happen. I was dropped a few times by my group. A stunt in particular had me tossed in the air and nobody caught me. It severely damaged my back, neck and hips. I kept going though. With regular working out and stretching, the pain was kept at bay. Once I graduated and no longer cheered, those injuries flared up. Suddenly I had trouble getting out of bed. I then couldn’t drive a car or sit comfortably. I tried getting massages, cracked by a chiropractor and even tried pain pills. Nothing really fixed me the way cannabis did. My state offers recreational and medical cannabis. I decided to try medical cannabis to see if it did the trick. The weed worked wonders. Since I am still an active person, I didn’t want to be high all the time. I also am not a fan of smoking. So a topical worked the best for me. It is like an icy hot, only better. I apply the cream directly to my sore areas twice a day for immediate relief. It smells good and doesn’t have an oily residue. What is nice is that my dispensary always has it in stock too. I could get the cream without a medical weed card, but the dose wouldn’t be as strong. I am glad that there is something natural that works for me.

cannabis flower products