I feel I am the vacation stop

I live where recreational cannabis is legal.

Anytime someone visits me, that is where they want to go.

I am getting sick of it. I realized that I am the vacation spot for people. They aren’t visiting me, they are taking a free trip and squating at my house. I pick them up at the airport, feed them and entertain them. The trip to the dispensary is part of their vacation every time. I have thought about putting my foot down on a few things. Since I live with legal weed all the time, it is no longer exciting. I don’t want to purchase a bunch of cannabis and get super high. I don’t want to spend half my day looking at the different edibles. Been there, done that. For me, cannabis is like a medical product. I take a topical for muscle soreness after a workout. I also smoke cannabis oil in order to sleep at night. It isn’t a party drug anymore. So when I go to the legal cannabis dispensary near me, it is like going to a pharmacy. It isn’t that crazy or wild to me. Yet, everyone who visits me insists on going there. I have been to every dispensary, I know the best one now. I am getting tired of going there and seeing the same stuff. I have thought about not driving my guests there anymore. Maybe that would deter their vacationing at my house if I didn’t provide them with entertainment. I also don’t like that everyone wants to smoke in my house too.
cannabis dispensary