I don’t get the munchies like other people do after marijuana

If I use a concentrated version of the strain, the appetite suppression is even stronger

I don’t have the same reactions to substances as others do. For instance, it easily only takes one beer for me to get noticeably “buzzed” when our friends need several. I have to be careful if we go out to party on the weekends or I can end up so drunk that I’ll have to call a cab to get home. Either I’m the designated driver as well as I drink next to nothing, or I’m inadvertently inebriated and desperately need someone to get me to our home safely again. That’s largely why I tried to give up alcohol completely after my 20s. I still drink on sparse occasions with my spouse, but nowadays I’d much rather use cannabis products. I will buy RSO edibles or topical creams when I’ve gotten bored with smoking cannabis flower products for years at a time. Otherwise I’m “dabbing” or vaporizing cannabis concentrates like live rosin, resin, budder, and wax. I suppose that most people get the munchies from smoking weed and will reach for sugary snacks, but I’m one of those sparse people that get appetite-suppression from most of the cannabis strains that I have tried. If I use a concentrated version of the strain, the appetite suppression is even stronger. It results in me going hours every single morning without food in our stomach, and I know it’s not doing me any great when I reach for food finally and eat too much to overcompensate. If I had cancer and needed something to encourage eating while having radiation treatment, I don’t think that I’d be able to benefit from using cannabis as an appetite-inducer like others do.


I don’t get the munchies like other people do after marijuana