While I was high all day, I found the elixir terrible to drink

On his way home from the cannabis dispensary, my best neighbor Jack stopped by our house yesterday! He showed me a brand new product he found at the store.

There was an edible cannabis product with 1,000 mg of THC.

There was a cough syrup-like consistency to the drink, and it tasted like Dimetapp or Robitussin rather than something tasty. II took a sip of the elixir and I wanted to spit it out!! Oh, it was horrid even though I kept it down since it was Jack’s currency… Jack drank a sizable amount from the elixir, and he urged me to take another sizable step. But I didn’t want to look like a wuss in front of our best friend. So I took a big drink. It was difficult to keep the sweet and sticky substance in my stomach. I wanted to vomit because the substance tasted so bad. Jack stayed at our home for about 30 minutes and I started to feel the Cannabis elixir shortly after he went home. I became light-headed, dizzy, and then high. My high lasted all morning, plus I didn’t have to smoke any marijuana products. Although the Elixir tasted terrible and gave me a gag reflex, it worked wonders and made me feel high all day long. Depending on the flavor, I would purchase the product again if it tasted better than grape.

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