I burst out laughing when I got into the marijuana dispensary.

I was pretty nervous about going into the marijuana dispensary.

  • I hadn’t had any reason to be nervous since I had been there several times, but that didn’t change the fact.

Within seconds of going into the marijuana dispensary, I would end up laughing. I had no idea what was causing me to burst out laughing when I got into the marijuana dispensary. I talked to my doctor and told him what my reaction to being in the marijuana dispensary was and he simply smiled. He said that some people had nervous reactions like that, but I had been using medical marijuana for over a year. He asked if there was anything different that I was doing before entering, but I couldn’t think of anything. Then it hit me that I was eating marijuana gummies prior to going into the dispensary. Marijuana gummies were mostly CBD and they helped me to relax before going in. It hit me that it was possible that with all the marijuana in the dispensary, just breathing it in, was already making me high. Using the gummies before going into the marijuana dispensary, could have been making the reaction stronger. Of course, I could have been nervous because my new boyfriend was now working in the marijuana dispensary. Whatever was happening, I had to get control over my reaction, or I would need to get someone to pick up the marijuana order for me. That would mean assigning someone as my caretaker and having them pay for the medical marijuana caretaker’s ID, and that was expensive.


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