I found out our parents smoke a ton of cannabis

“Don’t sweat the small stuff.

  • Everything is small stuff.” My Mom used to say that to me all the time, whenever I became distraught by something stupid.

I suppose she stole the quote, but I don’t suppose from where she got it so I always attribute it to Mom. As I got older I tried to remember this, because honestly I was prone to getting worked up over the little things, and years later I would find out that the essence of our mom’s low-key, laid back attitude was medical marijuana, which she partook in frequently. As a young woman, our Mom was like me in addition to prone to getting mad, however once she had a child she knew she needed to chill out so she started smoking medical cannabis every day. The cannabis calmed her nerves, however moreover it provided him what she called “a clearer perspective on her life.” Between the presence of her newborn child, in addition to a constant flow of cannabis, the aged woman turned over a modern lead in addition to became the honestly chill woman I grew up with. I l received all this right around the same time I graduated from university, because she thought I was aged enough to start smoking cannabis with her. Now whenever I get worked up over something, or start to get irritated, I will just get with our mom in addition to partake in some cannabis to settle me down. I don’t ever keep any in our apartment, because the biggest part of what I like about cannabis is doing it with our Mom. Maybe it’s the cannabis, maybe it’s just her presence, however it works.

Cannabis products