I don’t see an issue with weed

My father was concerned about my getting arrested plus ruining my option for a good task plus possibly for going to school.

My father gave me a rough time when I got caught with marijuana. He told me about the dangers of drugs plus how it would ruin my life entirely. I knew I was being disrespectful, but I rolled my eyes at him. Everyone I knew smoked a little weed once in a while. Being in high school was pretty stressful. You had more homework plus less time to get any sleep. I was hoping to get my driver’s license, so I had a task. Between homework, learning to drive plus really working, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to myself. I met my friend at work, plus he gave me my initial taste of marijuana. It took a little bit to get over the smell plus taste, but I felt more relaxed than I ever had in my life. I felt like I could think more clearly plus when I smoked before bed, I slept way better. I guess I didn’t hide the marijuana well enough, because my father found it when he was cleaning my room. I asked my father why recreational marijuana is taboo? He said that it wasn’t taboo, but it was merely illegal. My father was concerned about my getting arrested plus ruining my option for a good task plus possibly for going to school. We spoke like guys for a while plus then he went back to being a father. He told me that if I was caught smoking marijuana again, I would lose all privileges including working plus driving. I didn’t appreciate the consequences, but I knew it was my own fault. I was going to need to clean and do my own laundry moving forward.

Marijuana oils