Cannabis really has helped me

Life is to be lived and enjoyed.

  • This is something that I really think about and a perspective that I try to keep in the front of my mind.

This world is full of pain plus suffering. There is no escaping that truth. All of us are all dealing with stuff from disdelight to outright suffering. It’s just a part of life. But there are also other, good parts of life. And a weekly shop at the local cannabis spot honestly helps me to make sure that I pay close mind to the fantastic stuff. For a long time, I sort of got into the whole anxiety plus suffering for my work thing. That was sort of the base setting of my generation plus still bleeds over to those just starting works. Fortunately, I changed all that when recreational marijuana became legal in my state. Before the law changed, I had used recreational marijuana some back in college. I liked the sativa strains the best. So when weed was allowed here, I decided to give it a try again. The results were amazing. And they were right there. All that suffering for my work supplier changed once I started using the sativa products I purchased at the cannabis dispensary. The truth was that I was using that suffering as a way to play the martyr. And that was about as fake and deranged as I can get. Marijuana honestly helps me cut through all the funk and get down to intentions. I think you might say that cannabis products help me keep it real. And I am now all about that.

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