It was a first-time buyer discount.

My wife and I weren’t big users of marijuana products.

The last time we had smoked was when we had spent a week at the beach with another couple that happens to be our best friends.

We were planning on going to visit them for a weekend. When we got there, we were surprised to find out they were living in a legal recreational marijuana state. We were only there a couple hours before they told us they were taking us to the marijuana dispensary. They said they were out of supplies and they wanted to try some new marijuana products they had in supply. My wife and I were surprised to see all of the forms of marijuana they had in stock. Every wall was filled with different marijuana items. I saw mixes that you put in water and they had THC in them. They had chocolate bars with CBD and withTHC. There were gummies, hard candy, mints, and different types of tablets, pills and capsules. They also had different edible tinctures that were CBD, THC, and CBD/THC combined. I also looked at the pamphlet I picked up on the way in. First-time buyers received a 30% discount on their purchases. My friend was thrilled with this. I realized he already knew about the discount. He gave me his list and told me he would pay me when I got in the car. He and his wife took and left my wife and I to shop for his marijuana supplies so he could get the 30% discount. I’m sure the girl at the counter knew what was going on, but she never said a word.


medical cannabis