I guess the locale of the dispensary is too close to the university

Several of my neighbors and I are mad.

We are up in arms about a new corporation that is going to open in the autumn.

There was a dry cleaner next to the grocery store. When the owner of the dry cleaning corporation died, the heir sold off the corporation and the storefront sat vacant for multiple months. I absolutely hoped that another dry cleaner would occupy the space, but my luck has all but run out. I found out a few weeks ago that a medical marijuana clinic is going to open. This locale will even have medical marijuana supplies. The corporation will be located over a half mile away from the elementary university in town. I guess it is absolutely deranged to me that the city hall council approved a permit for this corporation to open so close to the children’s area. Some of my neighbors and I tried to argument the opening of the marijuana clinic, but the liberal city council sees dollar signs. For all I know, they are lining their pockets with cash from these medical marijuana suppliers. I’m upset about our children and the effect this will have on the area. As soon as the medical marijuana clinic is open, all of us will have potheads and addicts lining the streets. My sister lives out in a city where recreational marijuana is 100% legal. The locale went from a nice city to a total drug den in less than a year. I’m not looking forward to my property value going down, just because the potheads won the right to use medical marijuana. I still cannot suppose that the city council approved this corporation license.

legal weed dispensary