I would have thought I could purchase marijuana almost anywhere.

My wife was transferred to a different state last month.

We bought a small house in the suburbs, and we were ready to feel like we were home.

The thing we were happy about was that this town was in a state that had recently made recreational marijuana legal. I thought buying marijuana would be as easy purchasing tobacco, beer, or cigarettes. You have probably figured out that I was wrong. Marijuana products are not abundant in this city. Since we live outside the city, we had to go into the city to find a marijuana dispensary. It was a twenty-five mile drive to the city, and the traffic was horrible. We had to go through the mountains and we almost lost our way. It took nearly an hour to get to the marijuana dispensary and almost an hour to get back home. We decided to go online and check out their supply before we made that kind of trip. By the time we finally got to the marijuana dispensary, nearly everything they showed as being on sale, was out of stock. We found out we could put in the order online and pick it up. We would be able to get the sales items put back for us, and the hour trip to the marijuana dispensary wouldn’t be for naught. This sounded like a much better trip for us. Two hours of driving is not something we want to do, when we aren’t able to buy the marijuana products we really want. From now on, we’ll be putting our marijuana orders online, and picking it up.

medical marijuana regulations