Using high performance lighting for your growing room

If you choose to grow your own cannabis plants, you really need to look into some high performance lighting.

  • A lot of people love to use HPS lights with the vents as these give your plants plenty of lighting so they can produce nice sized buds.

The thing you have to worry about with HPS lights is the fact that they can burn your cannabis plants if they get too close. They can also seriously overheat your growing room, so this is why you need to connect the lights to proper ventilation systems. The energy bills can also get a bit expensive with this type of lighting, so you really should make sure you are growing enough cannabis plants to make this type of project worth the money. Other people love to use high performance lighting that doesn’t use a great deal of energy and doesn’t overheat your growing room. T5 fluorescent lights completely fit the bill as they put out roughly 20,000 lumens of light per grow light you have. So you are able to put out plenty of lights to your cannabis plants or any other plant for that matter, and you will not burn them or overheat your growing area. It’s important to keep your growing area within a certain temperature range. This range should be between 68 and 77 degrees for vegatative growth. When you are flowering, it is dangerous to climb above 80 degrees because this can cause problems with the growth of the buds. You certainly don’t want to evaporate your precious trichomes and lower the potency of your buds.


Large scale grow rooms