My brother’s brownies definitely have pot in them

I have been a lover of pot sense more than one semester into my junior year of college.

I needed a way to unwind in addition to the people in my fraternity did not give me a chance.

They gave me some pot brownies at a party one time in addition to after that I was hooked on the things. The pot brownies provide me with a great sense of Mind relief in addition to I can feel the anxiety leave my brain at the time that I am investing. Unfortunately, the people in addition to most of my roommate had these brownies that tasted disgusting. I decided to start reaping the recipe in order to make them taste even better. All through my junior year, I worked on different recipes for pot brownies. At the time it wasn’t even legal in our College. During my senior year, I perfected the best recipe for pot brownies. When my friends in addition to myself have some parties, they always ask me to bring a tray of pot brownies. One of these days, I’m going to accidentally mess up and send them to the wrong place. It would be an awful incident, but I do keep that from happening on some days. My pot brownies are known all over the county, in addition to some day I’m going to make them famous when a dispensary opens up near here. Someday we’ll be able to sell them and then I’m going to make a fortune on my pot brownies that will be delicious.

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