Indica and Sativa: The Ways They Help

Those who are unfamiliar with cannabis and its benefits may be unaware that it actually has more than one strain. Sativa and Indica are the two main strains of cannabis. They are exact polar opposites of each other in many different ways like appearance and effects. Indica grows more like a bush, being short and thick with wide leaves. Sativa is much longer and thinner in appearance, with much narrower leaves. Sativa grows in a much lighter green shade, while Indica is actually a very dark green. Indica has a very high yield, growing fast without the need for too much light. Sativa needs a lot more light and time in order to grow fully. While Indica has higher CBD and lower THC levels, Sativa is the exact opposite. The way they are used are very different too, with Indica used more for mental and muscular relaxation and Sativa for anxiety and depression. Indica helps with nausea, chronic pain, and increasing appetite. Sativa works for chronic pain while increasing focus and creativity. The plants affect the brain’s hormone balance as well. Indica increases dopamine, triggering the reward sensors of the brain. Sativa increases serotonin, which is helpful for learning, sleep, overall mood, anxiety, and decreasing appetite. Indica should be used closer to nighttime, and Sativa is better for daytime use. Either way, both strains have proven to be very helpful in the medical world and should be looked into by those with a potential need for it. I highly recommend looking into cannabis for medical use.


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