I like getting high and going for a run

I absolutely love being outside and I like activities that are outdoors.

I prefer to go running or jogging every single morning.

I used to pay for an expensive membership to the local Fitness center, but I found myself wanting to be outdoors instead of inside. Now I spend a great deal of my time running, hiking, mountain biking, and kayaking. My friend and I bought some kayaks a couple of weeks ago. We took them out to the bay last weekend. I was a little nervous about taking the kayak out into the bay so my friend suggested we stop at the marijuana dispensary. I thought marijuana was a terrible idea. I thought I needed my wits to be in the kayak. My friend said that it would make me feel much more relaxed and at ease. He was absolutely right. Marijuana was a great idea and it worked wonderfully well. We smoked a recreational marijuana joint before going out in the kayak and I didn’t think about the swamp or the alligators even once. I did think about the shark that was circling us when we got out into the deep area. Thankfully it was just a small Hammerhead and it left my friend and I alone so we could explore more parts of the water. We had an excellent afternoon and we even managed to find a couple of places where the water was shallow and clear. We hopped into the water and used our snorkels to find sand dollars, sea urchins, and a variety of other underwater creatures.

Marijuana oils