Old friends and good cannabis

I’m just so cheerful that most of our group from school are still in touch.

And not just the holiday letter sort of in touch like my parent’s generation. No, my associate and I have been pretty intimately involved in each other’s lives since my associate and I were all one big group of friends. Of course, a lot of our commonality came from a shared passion for recreational marijuana. All of us came to discover cannabis at almost the same time. Out of a group on 9 of us, only one girl had tried marijuana in highschool. As for my wife and I, my associate and I both tried cannabis for the first time at a party. And that was a odd first experience. That’s because our introduction to marijuana was eating a pot brownie. Now, these aren’t the sort of pot brownies one finds at a cannabis cafe. Those pot brownies are beautiful and are prepared officially with cannabis infuse butter or oil. Not those pot brownies that first night. They sincerely tasted like my associate and I were eating compost with a nasty chocolate taste to it. They were horrible tasting and did pretty much nothing as far as getting high. No, my associate and I didn’t genuinely experience the true affect of cannabis products until one of our friends brought some great sativa strains to a party. That was a night that neither my wife nor I will ever forget. These afternoons, my associate and I live in a state where cannabis is legal to anyone of age. So getting access to high quality cannabis products is easy. That’s one of the reasons that my associate and I are always an annual endpoint for the reunion of that attractive circle of friends.

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