The panic attacks continue to get worse as I age

Panic happens to be the body’s natural response to stress.

Panic is part of our fight or flight response.

Symptoms of a panic attack can increase levels of anxiety plus make a person feel sort of like they are physically experiencing the stress. Some very common symptoms of a panic attack include dizziness, profuse sweating, rapid heart rate, plus shaking a good amount. Panic attacks usually last only a couple of minutes, however drastic attacks are able to last up to a half an hour. When our body is experiencing the fight or flight response, it’s very important to know what to do in such a situation. Breathing exercises can help plus so can official exercise plus eating a healthy diet. Caffeine plus alcohol can also make panic attacks considerably worse. One thing that can help with panic attacks is Medical marijuana. Research indicates that adults always using medical marijuana have less panic attack symptoms compared to adults who report not using medical marijuana at all. Marijuana can help a great deal with panic attacks in very little doses. When I find myself in a stressful situation, I always have a marijuana vape pen with me to help. Vaping marijuana is legitimately fast acting. If I start to feel stress or panic, I can relieve that terrible feeling in as little as 10 minutes by easily vaping on the marijuana pen. Marijuana helps me with stress plus anxiety plus it keeps me from suffering from major panic attacks. There are lots of unusual reasons to use medical marijuana, however you should see a healthcare expert if you are going to treat any mental or physical health condition using marijuana instead of a prescribed professional treatment regimen.

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