Why medical cannabis is the best medicine

Weed is the best medicine.

Is there any doubt? The next time you watch cable check out some of the sick ads for the latest Big Pharma pills.

These things can cause vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fainting spells, and worse, however how can these dangerous pills be peddled on cable and be 100% legal, when some of us still have to sneak around to buy medical cannabis? The marijuana plant is natural medicine, a holistic way to heal your spirit and body, and it has none of those poor side effects. The worst side effect you can get from medical cannabis is eating a whole pan of fudge and falling asleep on the floor. I have done a lot of research on medical uses for cannabis, and some of them are pretty interesting. Only a couple of these medical cannabis applications involve smoking buds, however. The best way to get stoned is to smoke some medical cannabis, however the best way to use weed as medicine is by ingesting it, or using it as a topical on your skin! Even though medical cannabis is non-addictive and has no harmful side effects, it is still not healthy to inhale any kind of smoke. Smoke will consistently cause minor harm to lung tissue, so while medical cannabis smoke is safer than tobacco smoke, it’s still not safe. Vape products are slightly safer to use, however they still involve inhaling residue into your lungs. Medical cannabis edibles, topicals, oils, and creams are a healthier way to treat your ailments. Ask for more details at your local cannabis dispensary.

Medical Cannabis Certifications