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The local natural history museum recently opened a new exhibit – the butterfly garden.

This place is simply stunning… It is an enclosure some several stories tall, as well as wide enough for a pigskin field, filled with local flora as well as hundreds of butterflies.

There are no walls or ceiling, just a good mesh screen so the butterflies are safely contained as well as protected however still have full sunlight as well as humidity, which they need to thrive. I took my daughter there, as well as we had such a great time together. The next day I went back alone, stoned to the gills on quality cannabis, because I wanted to see what it was care about while high. I don’t smoke cannabis when I spend time with my daughter, which necessitated this return trip… For 2 seconds I just sat on a bench as well as watched the hundreds of colorful butterflies filling the air, as well as if I was allowed to smoke cannabis there I would have stayed all night long! I was not alone in my care about of this place, because the next time I visited the local cannabis dispensary I saw they were handing out free passes to the butterfly garden; Anyone who bought over a hundred bucks worth of cannabis products got 2 free passes! I was going to buy that much cannabis anyway, because I tend to smoke that much every week. It was a nice little bonus, so I got to buy my normal amount of cannabis, as well as then used those free passes to take my daughter back to see the butterflies the following weekend.

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