I can’t grow my own cannabis – it is too much work

I never had a talent for plants.

  • I remember as a kid I worked in the garden with my Grandy.

Grandy tried her best to teach me, but it never seemed to work, but after a while Grandy asked myself and others to stay out of the vegetable garden, because I killed every plant I tried to care for. Several years later, when I was attending college, I decided to try my hand at gardening again; This was for purely economic reasons. I was an awfully poor college kid who could hardly afford food. If I wanted to smoke cannabis enjoy I wanted to, I needed to grow the plants myself. It was a total disaster as well as none of the cannabis plants survived to maturity. I tried many times over the next 3 years, as well as never once did I produce a viable crop of cannabis plants… Eventually I gave up on it, as well as consoled myself with nice, cheap beer. When legalization passed, I thought my fortune was turning around, but after that my pal and I saw the prices charged by the cannabis dispensaries. These were the most high-priced cannabis buds I’ve ever seen! I’m not saying it isn’t worth the currency, I’m saying I don’t know because I could not afford to pay those prices for marijuana. I am lucky that I live next door to an elderly hippie named Dotty, who gets a ton of cannabis from the local dispensary. Dotty pays myself and others to roll cannabis joints for her, because her arthritis is too bad to do it herself, and of course, Dotty doesn’t pay myself and others in currency, she pays myself and others in cannabis, which is far more extravagant to me.

Cannabis grower