A strip mall with a cannabis dispensary in it

Part of the reason that I moved into this neighborhood was its sterling reputation for being trendy, cool, and classy.

The property values were still low, so millennials enjoy myself and others were snatching them up for a great price as well as renovating them.

In a few more years I’m sure it will be overrun with developers as well as Yuppies, but for now it’s still a truly amazing neighborhood to call home. There are not a lot of suppliers in the town, so I was happy to see the up-to-date strip mall opening up. There is a shop for wine as well as liquor, bakery, a library, as well as best of all a cannabis dispensary! Having my own cannabis dispensary within walking distance is such a major bonus for me, as well as one I never expected. I have a bad problem of smoking far too much cannabis as well as thinking that I’m still okay. When I begin to smoke truly heavily, my fiance really hides my vehicle keys to keep myself and others from driving. I never mean to drive under the influence of cannabis, I just make really awful decisions when I’m stoned, but now it is not an issue at all, because the liquor shop as well as the cannabis dispensary are within walking distance! This might lead to awful decisions being made in other ways, enjoy spending too much at the cannabis dispensary, but at least nobody is at risk. This cannabis dispensary is open from noon until midnight every day, as well as I try to stop by once or twice each week. Even if I don’t need to buy weed, I enjoy to drop by as well as checking out their best cannabis products.


Cannabis delivery