Nine out of ten doctors recommend medical marijuana

Many studies suggest that medical marijuana can benefit a number of different conditions such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Crohn’s disease, ms, and muscle spasms.

Studies also suggest that marijuana can help with severe nausea, chronic pain, epilepsy, and seizures.

Medical marijuana has been proven to be safe in a number of lab trials. There are some mood altering effects and symptoms that are associated with the use of marijuana such as dizziness, slow reaction times, increased appetite, and hallucinations. Paranoia and memory loss are also two side effects that people mention feeling during studies. Still, 9 out of 10 doctors recommend medical marijuana for all of the conditions that I listed above. Medical marijuana is available without a prescription in more than a dozen different states. Medical marijuana is available with a prescription in more than 2/3 of the country. Medical marijuana comes in a variety of different forms. Most people think of dried marijuana flowers when they picture medical marijuana. The dried marijuana flowers are often smoked in a bowl, paper, or a bong. I use medical marijuana for chronic pain that happened after an accident. Chronic pain has affected my knees and my back for several years. I was on pain pills for a long time and I was hooked. I ended up in the hospital and the only way that I could get out was using medical marijuana. Now medical marijuana is the one thing that keeps me from going back to a lifetime of pill use. I don’t know how I would physically survive without it.

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