Nine out of ten doctors approve of medical marijuana

Medical studies say that medical marijuana can benefit a number of odd conditions such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Crohn’s disease, MS, & deep muscle spasms.

Studies also recommend that marijuana can help treat harsh nausea, chronic pain, epilepsy, & seizures.

Medical marijuana has been documented to be safe through a number of lab trials. There are some mood altering side effects & other symptoms that are acquaintanced with the use of marijuana such as dizziness, slowed reaction times, increased appetite, & hallucinations, but paranoia & memory loss are also many ill side effects that people mention feeling during studies. Still, 9 out of 10 doctors request medicinal marijuana for all of the conditions that I listed above. Medical marijuana is available without a medical prescription in more than a dozen odd states. Medical marijuana is available with a medical prescription in more than 2/3 of the country. Medical marijuana comes in a variety of neat forms. Most people guess of dried marijuana flowers when they picture medicinal marijuana. The dried marijuana flowers are often smoked in a bowl, paper, or a bong. I use medical marijuana for my chronic pain that happened after an accident. Chronic pain has affected our knees & our back for so many years. I was on pain pills for a long time & I was hooked. I wound up in the hospital & the only way that I could get out was using medical marijuana. Now medical marijuana is the only thing that keeps me from going back to a lifetime of pill use. I do not suppose how I could physically survive without it.

medical marijuana dispensary