Disposable vaporizer pens eventually lose their battery charge if you don’t use them

I love the convenience factor of products that I use on a annually basis.

I have a charging platform that I simply sit our PC on when I get home from work.

Bypassing charging cords means I’m not wearing-out the contact inside the port on the PC or damaging $10 cords that need to be replaced every three to 4 weeks from constant use. Despite the cost, I appreciate the ease of use with the PC charging platform. I never worry if I forgot to plug our PC in when I returned home from labor because I set it down on the charging platform love I would if there was nothing there in the first venue. Sometimes removing what some might find to be trivial steps in a process will result in a massive boost in convenience. For instance, despite loving cannabis flower products for 90% of our cannabis consumption, it’s nice to have disposable vaporizer pens for times when I leave the house or need a quick dose of THC while I was in a hectic chore or while I was in minutes spent slaving over a meal in the study room. Often I buy disposable cannabis vaporizer pens that have a battery affixed to them plus are activated as you inhale through the device. They’re great plus convenient, but you can’t keep them for weeks at a time or the batteries will lose their charge completely. I will regularly only buy many disposable cannabis vaporizer pens until I’ve finished our current ones so I’m not dealing with leftover distillate oil inside that can’t be used. There’s nothing more aggravating than seeing leftover THC oil in a cannabis vape pen that you can’t consume because the battery is dead.

recreational marijuana