We celebrated the holiday with recreational cannabis

Every year on New Year’s Eve, my friends and family get together at my sister’s house.

She has a huge place with lots of indoor and outdoor space.

There is a room with a pool table, bar, and darts. There is an enclosed outdoor porch with a fire pit. Everyone goes to my sister’s house for the evening. This year there were almost 40 people at my sister’s place. One of my sister’s friends showed up with a jar of recreational Cannabis. The guy invited me outside to smoke a joint. It had been a very long time since I smoked cannabis. I knew I was going to feel high quickly. We smoked half a joint and I was starting to feel strange. All the colors in the room seemed brighter and more vivid. My hands and feet started to tingle and I felt very happy and giggly. I spent almost an hour talking to any person that would listen. I felt like I had consumed a five hour energy shot. An hour after I smoked the joint, I was still feeling very high. Two hours after I smoked the joint, I was ready to pass out and go to sleep. I fell asleep on the chair in the living room about 45 minutes before midnight. My sister woke me up a minute before the ball was going to drop. I felt very refreshed after the 45-minute nap. I was ready to party for three or four more hours, but everyone else was ready to settle into bed for the night.
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