My husband designs cannabis sites

They understand how social media can help their brand recognition and boost sales.

My husband is employed by an SEO company and is in the web design department. He is always working on different websites and showing the best ones to me. Normally, the digital SEO company sticks with Heating and Air Conditioning companies. However, they have recently expanded into cannabis SEO. I don’t know much about marijuana dispensaries or how SEO works for these operations, but it seems more interesting. My husband is way more excited to delve into the web build for a cannabis dispensary than an HVAC business. The photos he has to work with are always higher resolution, clearer images and the content is more enjoyable. My hubby was limited in the color pallet for Heating plus Air Conditioning sites. Now, when working with cannabis sites, he has been encouraged to expand into more vibrant colors. He showed me one of his more recent web designs for a cannabis client and it was really beautiful. The pictures of the dispensary showcased a sizable and modern facility as well as a whole range of products. The layout of the website is sleek and minimalistic. I have never smoked cannabis products but I was intrigued. My husband is hopeful that the SEO supplier will focus more on marijuana dispensaries in the future. The company owners are younger and more aware of the importance of an online presence. They understand how social media can help their brand recognition and boost sales. The cannabis industry clients also tend to be less demanding. They aren’t prone to calling my husband after hours with emergencies. I am happy about that! Cannabis SEO is turning into a good thing for our family. Hopefully, the cannabis industry continues to grow and invest into search engine optimization.


marijuana dispensary seo