I wasn't going to say no and look like a kid

Shortly after my brother started college, I went to visit the guy for a couple of days.

My mom and dad were going to a wedding and I was supposed to stay with my grandparents.

My brother told my mom and dad that I could stay with him if they paid for a plane ticket. I flew to the West Coast on a one-way jet. My brother picked me up from the airport. He was with a friend that lives in the same apartment building. On our way back to the apartment, my brother and his friend stopped at a recreational cannabis shop. I waited in the car, because I’m not 21 years old. When my brother and his friend came back from the recreational cannabis shop, they had a bag filled with supplies. My brother threw the bag in the back of the car and told me to check it out. I was intrigued and excited to look in the bag. My brother and his friend picked out a couple of different cannabis items. One was a jar of concentrate that looked very wet and sticky. The concentrate had 90% THC. The day after I arrived, my brother had a party at his apartment. During the party, the guys brought out the bag of recreational Cannabis supplies. Everyone started using cannabis. Someone offered me a joint. I wasn’t going to say no and look like a kid, so I took the Cannabis joint and puffed a couple of times. I started coughing uncontrollably and I almost peed my pants. I was high for hours and I barely remember anything that occurred on that night.


medical marijuana store