Cannabis doesn’t make you lazy

I want to tell you about a friend of mine, named Jim.

Jim and I are on-again, off-again friends, and have been for a decade or so.

I used to get weed from him, but that sort of fell through after a while. Since that point, I see Jim once or twice a year, when we hang out and watch movies and smoke out together. It’s always a great time. We don’t do it more often because Jim is the busiest guy I know. A lot of people think that smoking cannabis makes you lazy, well I have to present Jim as the rebuttal to that argument. Jim smokes as much, if not more ,cannabis than anyone I have ever met, and it never slows him down. He is a grad student, and works in a lab for 40 hours a week, in addition to being a full-time weight training coach. I don’t know how he has the time or energy to smoke cannabis, but the guy is basically high all the time. Jim has a weight room set up on his back patio, so he can smoke cannabis while he is working out. He also chain smokes cigarettes, alternating between tobacco and cannabis so frequently it seems like he is always exhaling smoke of some kind. The point of the story is this – if Jim can smoke an ounce of cannabis a week and do all of this stuff, you can’t really blame it for making people lazy. When lazy people smoke cannabis, they get even more lazy, but for the rest of us, it helps with productivity.



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