No longer fun impulse buying

COVID has ruined a lot of things for me.

I used to love going to the mall and just going from shop to shop.

With the whole mask and six feet apart requirement, it just isn’t as fun. My cannabis dispensary used to be a fun time for me as well. I would go every other weekend and just get what I want. I loved browsing through the selection of cannabis products. I am a big impulse buyer in person. I would frequently look at all the edibles and pick up way too much. I would grab a cannabutter and some THC gummies just because I was feeling fun that day. I also have bought CBD hair care products and cannabis creams for skin problems. What I do is go in there just to get my typical strain of cannabis oil. However, I always leave happy and with much more than I bargained for. Due to COVID, I am not allowed in the store if there are 6 people in there already. I have to wait outside for someone to leave. I could do this, but it ruins the impulse buy. I feel stressed and like I need to hurry in and out. Instead I now do all my orders online. I don’t even do curbside pick up at my cannabis dispensary. I pay extra to have cannabis delivery and don’t think about it anymore. It takes all the fun out of having weed honestly. I don’t buy anything extra either. I don’t feel like looking through pictures and reading descriptions online.

Cannabis delivery