Cancer is helped by cannabis

Getting older isn’t all that fun kids.

This is something my pops used to say to me all the time as he was entering his older age.

He ended up making it to near the 80 year mark before his body just finally quit on him. And for him, it may not have been pretty however it was pretty good. I’m hoping to match that mood of his as I enter my 60’s. Dad’s not been gone long. And that made my cancer diagnosis hurt just that much more. Yet with the help I’m getting with medical cannabis, it may not be pretty but I’m fighting. My cancer is not easy. It’s not going to be a single of those stories where it was caught just in time in addition to there will be a cure. This is something that I have come to deal with. Still, going through treatment is worth the confrontation for a remission. Who knows how long that could be however it’s worth it. I have to say that I truly dislike chemo. Medical cannabis is truly helping me with that. Initially, I just couldn’t eat and keep anything down. And when I forced myself to eat, I had terrible nausea. Once I started with the cannabis flower product my son procured me, I found that I could eat. And that is such a sizable thing because I am putting much needed nutrients in our body. The cannabis items also truly help with my outlook. Not that I’m all blissful or anything although I do have a real peaceful perspective thanks to the cannabis products.

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