I’m not sure if I should pay for expensive lighting with my cannabis growing

I was completely lucky last year when a bunch of people weren’t.

I kept my job and saw an increase in hours instead of losing the job altogether just like what happened to some of my buddies.

When the first stimulus checks went out, I used a portion of mine to cover the cost of an outstanding bill while the rest went into my savings account. With the next check, I might add it to the expenses needed for a minimal roof repair that I have arranged for soon. Since I am financing a vehicle that I purchased new last year, I don’t have any vehicle repairs to make. So far, most of my extra income has been spent on my archery and woodworking pastimes. I definitely know I need to scale it back to a certain degree. When you’re making an attempt to justify dropping another $730 on a bow when you already have six, you easily know you’re headed for trouble. Instead, I have started a new interest that basically involves growing cannabis in a single one of my spare rooms in my place. You can get a modest marijuana cultivation operation going in your property separate from spending tons of money on equipment. Still, I honestly wish I could afford nicer lighting. Everything I study about pot farming tells me that you get better quality yields with the finest lighting available. I just don’t know if it’s worth shelling out all that extra money on high performance lighting for a growing operation like this. If it became a real business, I could certainly justify making the purchase. That’s the key thing—it’s not a business, and it’s likely never going to be. For the time being, I can get away with LED lights for my modest cannabis growing operation.



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