Finding more peace with medical marijuana

Being at unease with life is a hard way to face each day.

Yet, there are millions of people who wake up like that each day.

And for many, they find strength and help in managing that feeling with medicine. However, the spectrum of emotional distress is so broad that not all of us respond to medication. I know that is my situation. While I have been able to force myself to function, the emotional distress I experience can often be overwhelming. The longer I pushed it down, the worse it became. It finally became time to face this condition in a way that would work. I got my answer with medical marijuana. My doctors tried all the tricks in their bag to no avail. The meds were either ineffective or the side effects were so bad that they outweighed the good that was being done. It’s tough to deal with this condition and also feel like treatments are hopeless. Ironically, my mother learned about medical marijuana. This is the same woman who forbade me to even think about using cannabis products as I was growing up. She scared me so bad that I think I was one of the few who even went through college without experimenting with cannabis flower products. But she persisted with her cannabis education because she wanted relief for her son. I’m so very thankful that she did. I now use a small amount of medical cannabis each evening. The effects have been the most positive of any treatment I have tried. And, there is a growing sense of an overall positivity that I had only hoped to feel one day.

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