Surprised at how much legal marijuana is in California

I live in a state where Cannabis is legal but there are lots of restrictions on how and where you can use it.

That’s why I was shocked when I went to visit my brother in California and noticed all of the legal marijuana use going on there.

I mean, I shouldn’t have been surprised. It is California after all. but you can literally walk down the beach and smell marijuana being smoked. Pretty much everywhere we went, I could smell somebody smoking legal marijuana. That is something that takes some getting used to. In fact, it takes me back to my High School days. You would just walk through the school and catch a with marijuana here and there. Of course, back then, it wasn’t legal. Now that it is, I think it’s kind of funny how open everyone is about. Especially here in California. There’s a legal marijuana dispensary on just about every corner. Out of curiosity, I decided to go into one of these dispensaries when I was out for a walk by myself. I was really tempted to buy some of the legal marijuana and take it back home with me. I haven’t smoked the stuff since my high school days. I’m not sure what my brother would think about it if I brought marijuana into this home either. He does have kids and everything. Then I found out that you can’t take marijuana on an airplane so I opted not to make a purchase. Not this time anyway. But, next time I come out, maybe I’ll take a day for myself and just spend some time out on the beach with some legal marijuana.


legal recreational cannabis store