How do you know I use legal recreational weed?

I think it might be time for me to find a new church.

On Sunday, my pastor pulled me aside and started talking really strange to me.

It was talking about sins and addiction and stuff like that. At first I had no idea why I had been singled out but then I remembered that I had seen the pastor’s adult daughter at the legal weed dispensary on Thursday. That’s the only thing I can think of that would elicit such a speech from the pastor. I have no idea how the pastor’s daughter was able to tell him that she saw me at the legal weed dispensary without implicating herself as well. Maybe she said she was just in the parking lot of the strip mall or something. I don’t know what would possess her to tell on me either. Clearly, she feels legal weed use is okay. Otherwise she wouldn’t have been there buying herself a bong. I was so tempted to rat her out while the preacher was thumping me over the head with a Bible (figuratively of course). But, that wouldn’t be very Christian of me, would it? Instead, I think I’m going to find a church that’s just a little bit more liberal. After all, there’s nothing against marijuana use in the Bible. and, I don’t appreciate being judged like this. I would rather give up my church than give up my legal weed dispensary. I need my recreational marijuana. I need God too but God is not in the church. Not that one anyway.

legal cannabis dispensary