Cannabis oil pens are powerful methods of consuming the plant

Enduring constant joint pain has been a major drawback over the past 4to more than four years.

For most of my life I had no strong concerns with chronic pains of any sort. I was constantly regarded for having a robust immune system as well, since I’d often avoid catching colds or the flu even if the rest of my entire family got sick plus infected each other. At some point after university things started to head downhill at an exponentially faster rate each consecutive year. I spoke to multiple medical professionals as I was fearing cancer or some life altering disorder, however much to my surprise they all failed to find anything abnormal with my physiology. That’s right when the joint pain began. My hands would ache when doing basic typing at my laptop while at work. It started as a dull, uncomfortable strain on my tendons plus muscles plus abruptly turned into an unbearable source of piercing agony. Right now the only thing that constantly helps is medicating with cannabis from a marijuana dispensary. When I bought it on the street I was limited to hashish plus flowering buds that were often contaminated with 1 chemical or another. The cannabis dispensary, as a contrast has these amazing vaporizer pens that you attach to a glass cartridge full of high-THC oil. These oil pens are super discrete plus ultra high potency compared to flowering buds. This means that a single hit off the oil pen gets me as medicated as 4or more than four from a bowl full of flowers. I don’t know how I would get through the day without my cannabis oil pen right by my side if the pain creeps back up again out of the purple.



Marijuana oil pen