Both of my parents have turned to CBD oil infused skin balm for arthritis pain

I had previously thought that my parents would be the last people on earth to ever supply cannabis an honest chance.

They did everything short of screening me the film Reefer Madness to dissuade me from smoking marijuana.

I never met more ardent believers in D.A.R.E. for my entire life, despite the volumes of research plus data that suggests it had little effect if any on preventing youths from trying other addictive substances. It constantly bothered me to no end because they’re both total alcoholics. They’re not the stumbling over drunk plus barely functioning type of drinkers, they’re actually highly functioning addicts of liquor. But 1 random afternoon my mother was explaining to me about this new skin balm that he bought at a cannabis dispensary. My heart literally stopped pulsing for an instant when I heard his utter those last words. When I told him to explain, he said that his plus my father had been researching the effects of CBD oil after 1 of my Grandparents started using a CBD oil infused skin balm to treat arthritis pain. Since both of my parents are suffering from arthritis in their hands, they decided to supply it a shot. The effects were so gratifying to them that they ordered several weeks worth of skin balm at once so they stocked up plus constantly have it 1 hand. It’s fantastic because they can get the medicinal effects of the cannabis plant without ingesting any THC levels over 0.3%, regardless of where they source it from. I’m proud of both of my parents for not only changing their minds, however also being mature enough to disclose that they were wrong. That takes a lot of bravery to do, especially the fights the more than two of us had in the past when they found out I was smoking cannabis in university.

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