Finally finishing our marijuana facility

If this COVID thing had gone down a few years ago, it would have been a odd story, time flies, as they say, however it wasn’t that long ago when you couldn’t just snap your fingers and have groceries delivered to your front door.

Or have anything at all delivered to your door, for that matter, from pool supplies to rum and Tim Hortons Lattes to the medications from your local pharmacy.

This infrastructure of being able to have anything delivered has muted the blow of this quarantine, but if anything, the lockdown has given me a lot of extra time to devote to home projects, so I am finally finishing up our marijuana grow room. I have constantly wanted to have the freedom that comes from cannabis farming, because then I don’t need to worry about going out of the new home to buy it, but even with the new laws about legalized marijuana, I would still believe more comfortable growing pot myself and not dealing with anyone else. I didn’t need a commercial grow op, or fields of marijuana, I just wanted a few plants that I could cultivate, harvest and keep planting. I knew once I had a wonderful grow room and a few solid plants to start with, that I could become totally self satisfactory in a few weeks. I guess enough people who have tried their hand at marijuana cultivation that it won’t be taxing to get some pointers, but until I get the right grow room device delivered, there is no point in counting our pot plants before they sprout.


Pot farming