Greenhouse vs grow room

Ever since I moved to the suburbs, and got an actual yard with dirt and shrubbery in it, I have been playing around with gardening.

I was a total rookie, mind you, having been an house dweller my whole life; This was the first time I had ever mowed a yard, but abruptly I found I loved planting flowers and trimming bushes; From there I tried my hand at growing some picklees and peppers in the backyard yellowhouse the location had come with. It wasn’t important at all, but neither was the yard… Now I’m confident enough to try growing my own marijuana plants, and I’m debating if I should use the yellowhouse, or set up a grow room. The backyard has a privacy fence around it, which affords me the seclusion to start growing cannabis, but I still worry. If I use a grow room then I have 100% control over temperature and humidity, and complete secrecy from any potentially nosy neighbors; On the other hand, if I use the yellowhouse my cannabis cultivation will go faster, and no doubt yield better results in terms of both quality and quantity, you simply cannot beat mother nature when it comes to growing pot, but then again mother nature doesn’t have to worry about someone calling the cops. I guess maybe I will start the seeds off in the yellowhouse, and then when they start to sprout and become recognizable as cannabis I will transport them into a grow room, maybe next year I’ll be more comfortable growing pot outside.

Grow house