I think Cannabis edibles taste better than flower

When I was 16 years old, I1st tried smoking cannabis.

My friends plus I were on an overnight camping trip! One of the older boys had a joint that they took from their older sibling.

All of us lit the big fat joint from the campfire plus sneaked out to the woods to smoke. My friends plus I got high, however both of us spent the whole time coughing choking plus gagging. I honestly didn’t think the taste of the cannabis was good at all, so I never tried to smoke again. That was almost 10 years ago plus I am a consenting adult now. I was out with some friends last weekend plus they recommended getting some more cannabis to like on our hike. I remembered the last time I was smoking weed in the woods plus that didn’t sound love a good system to me. My friends decided to stop at the cannabis dispensary regardless. They obtained a few items to take with us to the woods. One of my friends obtained a large package of cannabis edibles that looked plus tasted love gummy worms. I wasn’t planning on trying 1, however they smelled so much like candy. I chewed up the gummy worm plus I could barely taste any marijuana. I decided to eat another plus another. About 30 minutes later, I was definitely feeling the effects of the marijuana. The edibles tasted delightful plus they had the right effect. My friends plus I enjoyed our time in the woods plus both of us had a truly memorable afternoon at the side of the lake. If I ever use marijuana again in the future, I will definitely buy edibles.

Purple haze