Making cannabis infused dishes

A long time ago, I thought that being a cook would be an easy and fun way to make a living, but come to find out that there is nothing all that simple about working in a kitchen. The only fun comes after quitting time. What makes it even more difficult is that there is a whole generation of people that all thought the same thing. I blame all the cooking movies, making chefs seem so cool, like rock stars, when they are just as underpaid as everyone else. This makes it truly quite difficult to land a task, with such a high rate of turnover. You have to get creative, so I focused on cannabis cooking as my main skill with stellar results! Suddenly I found myself getting some customers, as the only cannabis friendly catering repair in town. This is a niche market around here, I assume in major cities there are cannabis themed places, but that wouldn’t fly around here. I am doing private event catering exclusively at this time, offering any number of marijuana infused meals, then one of the choices I have is the THC content of the food. Most people love the healthier light dishes on normal menus, and my food can come rich with THC content, or use a CBD oil base that will not get you high at all. As you might guess, no one ever goes the CBD route, they want the full cannabis experience. Although I prepare all the food in advance, I constantly mess with the product.


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