Coming clean that I smoke cannabis

Last month I sat my daughter down for an adult talk.

She is not a child anymore, just turned 18, so it was time to come clean about a couple of things.

I needed to start treating her like an adult. The talk had nothing to do with her action, my actions actually. For the last couple of years she has been growing suspicious of what I do socially. She wants to know why I leave the house once a month and do long errands. So it truly felt nice to tell her what was going on. The truth is that I get cannabis for myself and a small circle of close friends, and I had been doing so for my daughter’s whole life. To say she was shocked was an understatement, because it wasn’t just finding out that her mother smoked marijuana but most other adults in her life did, too! She admitted to me that she had been using rolling papers, but I told her she should try plain old cannabis through a joint. I understand that vaping and rolling is the modern craze, and maybe it’s great, I don’t know, what I do know is that nothing beats cannabis in its original form. Freshly plucked and dried cannabis buds are as nice as it gets. My daughter had no idea that I go to the local dispensary every month for some new products. I’m not telling her to smoke cannabis, but if she is going to it might as well be with me.


