Different ways you can consume cannabis

The 1st time I visited a cannabis dispensary, I was shocked by the numerous methods of consumption.

The delivery method is super important.

The mental and physical benefits of cannabis are largely recognized by how it’s consumed. Each method provides a different experience plus its own effects. Before I started shopping often at our local dispensary I was only aware of the most basic delivery methods, such as smoking, oral and topical. However, within those methods there are several ways that make a large difference. For inhalation methods there is smoke and vaporization. For smoking, there’s a lot of devices to choose from, such as glass pipes, water pipes, rolling papers and even hookahs. My local dispensary carries a vast selection of hand pipes that are small, easy to transport plus even quite decorative. I was more interested in the vaporizers because of the health reasons for them. A vaporizer heats the product to a temperature that is high enough to get the THC, CBD plus other cannabinoids. However, the temperatures are too small for harmful toxins to be released while I was in combustion. There’s also less of an odor. Vaporizers accommodate the use of cannabis concentrates that are around in forms such as oil or wax, and dabbing is a form of vaporization where vapor is trapped in a glass globe and then inhaled. My local dispensary offers a dab bar that is a nice place to relax and even to socialize with other customers there. They also include an array of oral delivery methods, such as tinctures, ingestible oils plus infused foods plus drinks.

CBD oil