Cannabox delivered to the incorrect house

The houses on my street are all poorly marked… A lot of people are missing house numbers or they are just plain hard to see, my house has large numbers right on the front of my property, however i even set up a light to shine on the house numbers late at evening.

I appreciate that people can undoubtedly find my home.

I do notice that I get a lot of wrong packages though. I believe this is due to undoubtedly finding my home, recently I got a cannabox basket delivered to my house, and that is the biggest, most official wrong package I have ever gotten. I went to labor one day with an empty backyard & returned to a large metal basket in my lawn. I poked around inside & deduced that it was used for marijuana growing. There were special LED lights mounted & an irrigation system in locale. The cannabox had ductless HVAC & humidifier set up too. The lights & HVAC were all on timed programs as well. I saw the grow boxes that were clearly meant for cannabis plants. I then had to track down the company that delivered the cannabox to my home. I told them they had the wrong house & they were actually reluctant to take the cannabox. They did not suppose where to supply it & just wanted me to handle it. I was unwilling to house a large growing operation in my yard when I don’t even smoke cannabis. It was cool seeing what an actual growing facility would look like.


Cultivation facility