I ended up buying a property that included a cannabis grow house

I decided to order a few seeds and I also picked up some of the strains I liked from the local cannabis dispensaries.

When I moved to a state where cannabis was legal, I decided to get this really nice property that had a seperate cannabis grow house. It really could have been used for anything, but it was already set up with a really nice charcoal ventilation system to control odor, and there was plenty of space to set up high performance lighting and everything. I honestly wasn’t planning on growing my own cannabis plants initially but having this wonderful little growing facility was perfect for me. I figured that since I had it and it was legal to raise my own cannabis plants, there really was no reason not to start picking out some good strains of cannabis to grow. So what I did first was went to all the local cannabis dispensaries. I was trying out all the most popular strains of cannabis. I even did a lot of research online to see if there were any good strains of cannabis that the local cannabis dispensaries were not selling. I actually did find this impressive strain called Somango that nobody seemed to be selling. I decided to order a few seeds and I also picked up some of the strains I liked from the local cannabis dispensaries. Some of my favorite happened to be Girl Scout Cookies, Sour Diesel, and Pineapple Express. So I decided to grow these four strains including the Somango and the whole thing worked out great. My little cannabis grow house worked out perfectly and it had a really nice set up for raising cannabis plants. I was amazed because I couldn’t smell a thing from outside of the growing house.


Marijuana grow room design